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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/22/25

Druid Hills High School

Dekalb County Schools

Senior Awards

Senior Awards

Atlanta Journal Constitution Cup *Highest award for a member of the senior class. The Atlanta Journal Cup is given to the senior who stands above the rest. This student excels and shows leadership in community activities, arts, athletics and academics. This is the highest award given to a member of the Senior Class.
Faculty Cup The “IDEAL” student. The Faculty Cup is given to a senior who has been deemed by the faculty to be the “ideal student.” The student receiving this award must display a passion for learning and scholarship. The student should be a positive force in the school whose character and demeanor could be emulated by others.
School Commitment Cup Instituted in the first year of our merger with Briarcliff High School, this award recognizes the senior who has done the most to promote school spirit and unity among the student body.
Emory University Awards for Excellence • Emory University Award for Outstanding Student Achievement
• Emory University Award for Outstanding Teaching and Community Achievement
Faculty Award for School Service This award goes to a senior for significant service to the school. (Typically more than just their senior year and often “behind the scenes”.)
Ray Kroc Young American Award More than ever, multiple challenges face our young people these days as they strive to become productive, responsible, caring adults. The Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award was created in memory of McDonald’s founder to honor those who have successfully met the challenge. McDonald’s Ray Kroc Award recipient is someone whose actions both on and off the school campus indicates that this person meets and accepts responsibility, genuinely cares about others, and is just a real nice person to know!
Coca-Cola Awards 1- Academic Performance
2- Academic and Athletic performance
3- Academics and Fine Arts performance
Stephen Davis Academic Athletic Award Given to the senior with the highest GPA and having lettered in two sports during their senior year.
Philip Hicks Soccer Award Before his death in a tragic auto accident several years ago, Philip Hicks was an Eagle Scout, active in his church and community, and a vibrant member of the class of 1998 and the boys varsity soccer team. In his memory we present $500.00 scholarships to two senior soccer players, one young man and one young woman. Their recognition means that in their careers at Druid Hills they exhibited those qualities that made Phil special to all who knew him. Philip was the “ideal Druid Hills player” because of his loyalty, dedication and his understanding of the value of commitment. He knew that being successful required at least as much character as talent.
English Scholar Award The English Department presents this honor to an outstanding senior who has displayed an appreciation for literature and a passion for writing.
Helen Strong Science Award This award is given in memory of Helen Strong, a former Druid Hills science teacher. The Science Department presents this honor to the senior who has achieved excellence in advanced science studies.
Next Generation Euclid Math Award The Mathematics Department presents the Next Generation Euclid Math Award to the most accomplished mathematician in the senior class. The purpose of this honor is to recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, engineering, and technology.
Discipula Optima Maxima World Language Award (female) or Discipulus Optimus Maximus Award (male) The World Language Department presents this award to the most outstanding linguist in the junior or senior class. The recipient must show a keen cross-cultural awareness. In addition, he/she must demonstrate a passion and ability to both write and speak various languages.
Chris Faber Social Studies Book Award The Chris Faber Award is named in memory of a social studies teacher and coach at Druid Hills High School. It is given to honor a senior student who has excelled in social studies and athletics at Druid Hills High School.
The Principal's Awards The principal selects a student or students that he feels are well rounded, involved in school activities, focused on academics, and are caring individuals.
Other Awards  
Ben Wiseberg Award This award is given to the club or organization that has contributed the most to school spirit.
Kiwanis Club Vocational Awards and Most Improved 9th Grader Award Chosen by each dept where awards are given:
Business Education – 1 recipient
Family Consumer Science – 1 recipient
Technology education – 1 recipient
Visual Art – 1 recipient
Photography and Design – 1 recipient
AP Studio Art – 1 recipient
Most Improved Student in 9th Grader – This award is chosen by the 9th grade teachers