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Druid Hills High School

Dekalb County Schools

Alumni Activities

Druid Hills High School

1920's and 1930's

"There were no real activities or clubs that were on campus at Druid Hills. They did have one dance every year, but it was held off campus at the Druid Hills Golf Course and was not run by the school."


Druid Hills had sororities and fraternities. "Each sorority had a special car honk that they would use if they passed a fellow sorority member's house. There were two fraternities: Phi Delta Alpha and Kappa Delta Kappa. The Sororities were Sunev (Venus spelled backwards), Omicron Beta Xi, Alpha Alpha Alpha, and Alpha Iota Lamda. The fraternity members participated in fundraisers, such as selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to raise money for the fraternity trip to the north Georgia mountains. The sororities and fraternities held big social dances at Homecoming, New Year's and Valentine's Day."

"Other clubs included marching band, SAGA, Citizen's club, Tri-Hi-Y (a social club), Spanish Club, and National Honors Society, pep rally team, the drill team, And FHA (Future Homemakers of America)."

"The fraternities and sororities were outlawed by the county in 1959."


"There were lots of clubs during the 1960's, including the Spotlight newspaper, several service clubs, Stunt Night, Drama Club, Cheerleading, Pep Squad, Math Club, Science Club, Library Club, Future Teachers of America, and Junior Red Cross."

"Several big events focused on Homecoming. There were the nominations for Homecoming court, The Miss Druid Hills Contest, and a joke contest called the Bachelor of Ugliness Contest."

"Despite the poor football performance, there were regular pep rallies every Friday to encourage the team."


"The school offered a club for practically every person and every interest. Much of the focus was on Homecoming. Each class built a float and a parade was held in the streets nearby the school, much like it is today. Two major clubs at the school were Art Club, Stunt Night."


"There were many clubs at Druid Hills, including German Club, Drama Club, Stunt Night, Class Government, Close Up, a student exchange program with Germany, Kappa, and float building for Homecoming."


"Cheerleading was a big, as well as Homecoming. There were several events that focused around the whole week, not just the football game. Float building was done after school during the week prior to the game. Things were done very similar to how they are done now."